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Pastor at Resurrection Anglican Fellowship in Greenwood Village, CO

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Epiphany -- Fragrance & Light: Small Things done with Great Love

 First Epiphany
January 9, 2022
Fr. Phil Eberhart

Isa 60:1-9

Ps 72:1-11 

Eph 3:1-13 

Matt 2:1-12

Fragrance & Light:  Small things done in Great love…


This past Thursday was The Feast of the Epiphany and our readings this morning are those readings transferred to today, which is the feast of The Baptism of Jesus.  As we enter into the Season of Epiphany, I want to set the tone for the year now in 2022, by reflecting on some words that were spoken to me, and I believe, to US recently.

Just a few weeks ago we adopted the streets to the north of us here to pray over.  Some of us drove those streets, some walked those streets, and some prayed over them virtually.  Whichever way you engaged that enterprise, I am convinced that it should continue and expand.

Here at REZ we believe in prayer – actually that is one of the things I and WE are known for across the city!  We are known for this Altar that overlooks the cityscape of DTC and Denver Metro and the mountains beyond;  We are known for the bible that sits on our altar day after day and for the practice of “executing Scripture” – of reading it aloud over the city.

There are spiritual things that happen when we do that simple act.  As Sacramental Christian Worshippers we believe that things are established when we pray, when we recite prayers and when we read the Words of Scripture, together or alone, out loud.  It’s a hallmark of our service here each week.  We hear more scripture than almost any other church in the world, every week!!

We are known for 24 hour prayer, because of the Spring and Fall 10 Days Together and because of Colorado Prays.  We have a priority for prayer in this place, like Jesus did when he said “My House shall be a House of Prayer for ALL the Nations!”

We are known for having many nations worshipping here on this hill.  Both within our parish and in the other churches that worship in our building, we represent a “sacrament” of “every tribe, and tongue, and nation and people, gathered around the throne of God!” 

As we went out into the neighborhood north of us for our Hannukah Caroling party with the other churches, we became known in that neighborhood, and the response was amazing. 

“My faith in humanity is restored!” one exclaimed.

“Who are you people?” many asked.  Though many churches took part, all answered as ONE, “We are the REZ people from across on the hill.”

Others commented about our work on the building and on the land; we are known and appreciated in the neighborhood for doing what we have done, what God has done, with this property!



All that said, I want to share just a couple of scriptures with you as an intro into 2022.  The first word that God gave me last month was “fragrance.”  The scriptures speak of us being the “fragrance of Jesus.” 

2 Cor 2:14 God always makes his grace visible in Christ, who includes us as partners of his endless triumph. Through our yielded lives he spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere we go. 15 We have become the unmistakable aroma of the victory of the Anointed One to God

I’ve had some time to study a little bit about fragrance in the weeks following that word.  One of the things that has struck me is how little it takes for us to be such a fragrance to the neighborhood.  Flying a flag on our flag pole;  singing a song or two on a porch;  following a plan for the redevelopment of this land and the completion of our renovation and renewal of this hilltop church.  After a short journey of 4 years since Easter of 2018, this church is beginning to have an effect on the neighborhood, and we will do this more and more in the coming year and in the years ahead.


FRAGRANCE only takes about 8 parts per million for us to smell it!  The reason I say that is for us to realize that our success isn’t in the throngs that come through our door, like a retail store.  Our success is from the scent of Jesus that emanates from this place!  Our success is because of SMALL THINGS DONE WITH GREAT LOVE. 


The other word that God consistently has spoken over us is LIGHT.  We are a light on this Hill!

If it were dark in this room, the lighting of a single candle, though it is small, would eventually illuminate this entire space.  God has made our eyes responsive to light.  Even a small light in the darkness will attract our attention.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but this church property is now the brightest place on Belleview!  And at the center of it, a cross.  A Cross that shines at night!

A light shining on a hill!  I heard Jesus say something about that in a sermon once:

Matt 5:14-16 - The Passion Translation
“Your lives light up the world. For how can you hide a city that stands on a hilltop?  And who would light a lamp and then hide it in an obscure place? Instead, it’s placed where everyone in the house can benefit from its light.  So don’t hide your light! Let it shine brightly before others, so that your commendable works will shine as light upon them, and then they will give their praise to your Father in heaven.”

Friends,  God is calling us and equipping us to be light and fragrance in this place.

This is the simple call that I place before you for 2022.  Be the light!  Be the fragrance of Jesus to others.

Small things done in great love can make all the difference in our world and in our neighborhood around us, and wherever we are.



There is a prayer from the prayer book we pray at lease once each week in Morning Prayer – it comes from St. Francis of Assisi. 

I’d like you to pray it after me.  I’ll pray it phrase by phrase, so we get it all!




87. For participation in the peace of God   [BCP 2019; P. 672]

In the Tradition of Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is discord, union;
where there is error, truth;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master,
grant that I may seek
not so much to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


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