July 3, 2016
Fr. Philip Eberhart
click here to listen to the audio sermon
On the eve of our celebrations tomorrow on the 4th of July, Independence Day, our hearts naturally turn to the inherent nationalism that rests in our bones as Americans. We sing America the Beautiful and our hearts soar like one of the scenes from Arial America, as a helicopter flies over the Grand Canyon or the Rocky Mountains here in Colorado! Over the fields in Eastern Colorado or in Kansas or Oklahoma as they are being harvested!!
We know that our heritage and this land is a gift from God! And on this Sunday of all Sundays we give thanks to God for the fact that we are fortunate enough to have been born into such a place on the earth! It is a unique place and a unique time in the history of the planet!!
But our days may be numbered. Now why would I say something like that?
We all know the fact that our land is one that has a unique heritage, even a blessed and godly heritage. If you go to Washington DC that fact is absolutely inescapable! We hear all the hoopla about our Atheist friends trying to remove all references to religion and God from public life. I think about my last tour of Washington DC and I laugh!!
No 10 Commandments? but what about the ones depicted on the doors into the Supreme Court chambers?
No matter how much our secular friends squirm there are repeated depictions of Moses, the lawgiver (among others certainly), but Moses is a central figure in the
friezes inside and outside the courtroom itself. You simply cannot escape the weight of history here and the place of a Judeo-Christian ethic and faith at the core of all that the founders believed and were intentional about propagating.
Thousands of quotes from Washington to Jefferson, Adams to Lincoln and on down the years, have our Presidents giving credit to the Almighty for help given, for direction, for provision, for protection. In our day historians try their best to expunge the religious heritage of our nation, but they are trapped in their own foolish endeavor, and can be proven foolish by any 8th grade student who is paying attention as he or she is walking around the National Mall.
Friends, we live in a land that is rife with Christian history, Christian markings and symbolism, Christian intention. But history, markings, symbolism and intention only take us so far. Today we are in a culture that has turned away from that history, from the marked path, from the symbols and intentions of a Christian heritage. The question is what now? How can we turn the tide today?
We've heard for at least 4 decades the quote of promise at the dedication of the temple in 2 Chronicles 7:14
"If my people, who are called by my Name, will humble themselves and pray, seek my Face and turn from their wicked ways; Then will I hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and heal their land."
Friends, this was a directive given to Solomon at the dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem. The point of this is that its not about our nation, its about us! Did you hear that: "MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME"
As Christians we are the MY PEOPLE God is talking to. We are the people in this land that are Called by His NAME! We cannot stand and point the fingers at the politicians, and the press and the culture, because we are the Salt and the Light for those institutions. I saw a quote the other day from President Garfield:
As a Congressman, James Garfield had stated at the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1876:
"Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption.
If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature...
If the next centennial does not find us a great nation... it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces."
In short, the decline of the nation is because the Christian Church has ceased to be salt and light. We have acquiesced to the culture in so many ways that we are completely indistinguishable from the culture around us. Think about the nature of Salt or Light: They are both radical influences in their particular ways. Salt is a preservative and an influence of taste; Light is the instantaneous and complete dissolution and expulsion of darkness: Where there is light, darkness doesn't exist!
The problem isn't with the darkness being dark, it is with the absence of the LIGHT!
Nehemiah, when he began his enterprise to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, began in repentance for his own and his father's sins! Our rebuilding enterprise must begin in the exact same place! According to the formula in 2 Chron 7 we must ...
HUMBLE OURSELVES - nothing signifies that like bowing our knees. I've placed these two kneelers here at the front for just that purpose, but you may come and bow here on the floor, or at your pew.
PRAY!! It's time! Friends, its time. We need to pray ... pray like never before, for God's divine mercy on our lives, the lives of our children and the future of this nation. Our politics and political power plays have failed us. The politics of this nation on both sides of the aisle reflect the state of those who have voted!
We need to Seek God's Face and Turn from wickedness. Those two things are completely done by US who are Called by HIS NAME. It is our job to Seek God's Face and to Turn From OUR wicked ways. Those who are salt and light can no longer disengage from this culture, and continue to live in it.
You ask, "But how do we change all this?" WE don't. HE does. Our side is the HUMBLE YOURSELF - PRAY - SEEK GOD'S FACE - TURN FROM YOUR WICKED WAYS.
His side is that He will HEAR FROM HEAVEN - FORGIVE OUR SIN - HEAL OUR LAND! This second part is above our pay grade! In other words we cannot maneuver or manipulate ourselves out of this mess! We have to follow the map! Humility, prayer, desperately seeking God and turning from our own sin in true repentance. That is our part.
So shall we get to it? I would like you to join me on our knees this morning as we conclude the sermon time with prayer. Your response is HEAR OUR PRAYER:
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