August 16, 2015
Fr. Philip Eberhart
A Kingdom Life: Living On Purpose!
Have you ever wondered ... How can I make my life count for something? It's kind of the "mid-life crisis" question!!
In the first half of life, we are content to build our kingdom - to get ahead, to get settled, to build a family, raise children, and be busy about the activities and pursuits that all that entails. But then the kids graduate, the dog dies, the empty nest hits, or some crisis of life hits, as they always do...
our health, our parents health, ageing, kids in crisis as adults, ... there are a myriad of causes, but we enter a phase of crisis that causes us to question assumptions long held - our internal guides sometimes crumble and we begin a search for greater meaning and purpose -- perhaps I should say THE greater meaning and purpose for our life. Where do we find that?
Our scriptures this morning have a lot to say about the kind of life that issues from that call to live ON PURPOSE!
It's called "wisdom" or "the fear of the Lord", even "maturity."
David asks the question directly: Who among you loves life and desires long life to enjoy prosperity?
We've heard a lot about prosperity from various church leaders in our American church, as if its the "right" of the Christian and we should hold God responsible for our prosperity and well-being. But let me go on record that I believe in prosperity, but I see it as a result not a right. As an outcome, rather than a reward.
But the Bible says that God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him! (Heb 12:6) And indeed He is, but the rewards that God grants are far deeper than dollars and cents, than cars and clothes, than houses and lands. The verses that follow that in Heb 12 outline a reward that is far deeper and has nothing to do with outward comfort or prosperity - it has to do with the reality and presence of God's Kingdom - the hope of His greater reward of Heaven - and with the ability to wait in patience for both of those things.
I want to look for a few minutes this morning on the nature of that Kingdom kind of life. ... to look at the nature of Living On Purpose - His Purpose - for your life.
This can happen whether you are young or old, it doesn't depend on age! Granted often, mileage plays a role in our "wisdom" and "maturity" but it doesn't HAVE TO! Life experience is a harsh teacher, in my experience - we "LIVE AND LEARN", but what we learn often is not the lessons of the Kingdom of God, but the lessons of self-preservation and protection, of isolation and bitterness.
A KINGDOM LIFE is different - and it can be lived by someone in their twenties just as well as someone in their seventies!
First, this is a life lived in relationship to a higher power, purpose, and calling. The first question we must answer is WHOSE Kingdom am I working for? Mine? or God's?
This is a question of encounter and of WILLINGNESS.
Last week we heard from Fr. Edward on that encounter with The Bread of Life - the ultimate meaning and fullness that come from a relationship with Jesus Christ, and coming to live fully in His presence and power on a daily basis - this is Our Daily Bread!
Do some of you have to be reminded to eat? Some but not many!
Do any of you only eat once a week - like on Sunday morning?
Kingdom life is living in relationship and in reference to the KING and His guidance. It is a "daily bread" kind of experience. We speak of it here at REZ as the need for WILLINGNESS. It has to do with your WILL and who is in charge of your will and direction each day.
Most of us have work-a-day jobs or daily routines of some kind - we encounter others in the course of life and have opportunity to interact with them at various levels.
Kingdom living means that you are living in REFERENCE to the KING! You are living with your eyes wide open to HIS MERCIES and HIS LEADING. You are living, not for yourself but for Him and for Others. One of our bishops, Todd Hunter, leads a church planting initiative that started in California and the Northwest, and is now all across the country, called Churches For the Sake of Others! C4SO! Bishop Todd puts out great materials and blogs for this kind of effort and lifestyle.
Kingdom life is living in relationship to the needs of others around you. We need to stop, look and listen sometimes - actually most times, if we hope to be hearing the needs around us. This is the kind of thing that Jesus directed his disciples to do as they went out ahead of Him in Luke 10.
Speak Peace - Hang out - Find and Meet needs - THEN Say. "The Kingdom of God has come near you."
Those aren't hard things to do. Almost all of my prayers for people I encounter as a pastor, start with a prayer for peace! It's almost a universal need, especially in our culture and society today.
I love the little bumper sticker: "NO JESUS, NO PEACE; KNOW JESUS, KNOW PEACE!"
This is where we start, but it gets better, if you let it.
That is where our second tenet of Kingdom Living comes in. To hear people you have to listen to them, and that takes time - something which we have very little of - especially for other people. People who we just met or who we may not wish to be close friends with, don't usually get much of our time, do they?
AVAILABILITY. "Lord, what am I doing here?" or moreover, "Lord, what are YOU doing here? And how can I be a part of it?
I know many here are living out these tenets in your lives and you can give inspirational testimony to how God uses us and our prayers in the every day warp and woof of life, the natural comings and goings of jobs, and family and school events and grocery runs.
And every once in a while, we not only hear others speak, but we hear God speak! We get directions from Him, the King! A word to say, a bible verse to share, a prompting from the Spirit of God to pray or to do something concrete - a bigger tip, a smile, a prayers along the way. We have to choose - will we do what God says or not?
OBEDIENCE. "YES, LORD!" Essential equipment in the Kingdom of God! I love this little passage from Ephesians this morning:
Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. So do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Do you think that people might sit up and notice something different if we lives our lives that way?
As Wise, not foolish.
As Redeemers of Time, not wasters of time.
As Understanding of God and His Will and Ways, not as faithless unbelievers.
As Those who live carefully, not in drunkenness and debauchery,
Instead filled with THE SPIRIT - Capital S! Filled with song, I love this picture:
"Singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, giving thanks to God the Father at all
times and for everything in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Anyone here prefer that picture to the rat race?
Friends, there is a reason that God's people prosper, and its because of these things, not some magical seeds of giving, so that we can get back from God!
Prosperity is the end result of a life lived in the Fear of the Lord! A Kingdom life is one that is filled with hope, with faith, with grace and with the anticipation that God is present and able to use us, in whatever circumstances we find ourselves, in all the places that we "live and move and have our being," be they pleasant or not so pleasant. It doesn't mean that we are going to be excused from the hardships of life, but that in and through those very hardships, we will come to know a peace that passes understanding, that resides in a Person, who is the still point in an ever moving and sometime chaotic world.
Would you pray with me, head bowed?
Lord Jesus, I want to be willing. I give you my will. Please lead me and guide me each day.
Lord Jesus, I make my self available to You. Help me use Your time wisely, redeeming it and not wasting it.
Lord Jesus, I will be obedient. When you speak and direct me, Lord, I will go. I will do what you say.
Lord, I want my life to count in Your Kingdom. I give it to you again to do with as you please.
Use me to further your Kingdom and bring those who do not know You, to acknowledge and to love you.
In Jesus Name I pray,
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