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Pastor at Resurrection Anglican Fellowship in Greenwood Village, CO

Sunday, June 2, 2013


On Marriage
June 2, 2013
Fr. Philip Eberhart

This morning I want to explore the Word and our human and our religious history around the subject of marriage.

As we begin a wedding we are greeted with these words, familiar to most of us.

Dearly beloved: We have come together in the presence of 
God to witness and bless the joining together of this man and 
this woman in Holy Matrimony.  The bond and covenant of 
marriage was established by God in creation, and our Lord 
Jesus Christ adorned this manner of life by his presence and 
first miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee.  It signifies to us 
the mystery of the union between Christ and his Church, and 
Holy Scripture commends it to be honored among all people.

The union of husband and wife in heart, body, and mind is 
intended by God for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort 
given one another in prosperity and adversity; and, when it is 
God's will, for the procreation of children and their nurture 
in the knowledge and love of the Lord.  Therefore marriage is 
not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, 
deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which it 
was instituted by God.

I want to consider just a few of the phrases here as we begin as this paragraph forms the basic teaching of the church on marriage:


It is evident from any kind of reading of Genesis and the creation accounts that the intention of God in creation was for the man and woman to be together, to form a union and to bring forth children.

This was God’s idea and His design.  And we can argue from the very physical design of men and women, that these physical features were intended for God’s purpose, and are so designed to propagate the race and assure the ongoing joy and pleasure that is inherent in marriage.
Our sexuality is a gift of God!  It is clear that though God is spirit and as such has no physical sexual characteristics, we can see from scripture that the IMAGO DEI, the image of God includes both male and female,
According to Genesis 1:26-27:

“Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

The image of God is a reflection of the persons of the Trinity and contains the essence of both male and female.  It is in the coming together of male and female in marriage, an indissoluble bond between a man and a woman for a lifetime – created by God – that we see the most complete picture of the life of the Godhead – Father, Son and Holy Spirit!  A Holy Family if you will.  A true unity into which we are introduced by Jesus and by His Spirit, as we are given authority to become the children of God (Jn. 1:12). 

So marriage is important as an icon of the life and unity of God in our world.  It is an icon – a picture window – into the bond and covenant that forms the unity of the Trinity!


Paul, in Ephesians 5, is clear that there is a direct correlation between the institution of marriage and the union of Bride and Bridegoom that we read about in scripture, between Christ and the Church.

Paul is clearly talking about the relationship of a husband and wife in the same terms as he speaks about Christ and the Church.

Submission is obedience that is based on the love given and the respect that is earned by a husband.  One does not exist without the other.  These are reciprocal realities.  The proverbial “two-way-street.”

From the man’s side in the relationship come a love, like unto the sacrificial love of Christ – the love that initiates the relationship, that pursues the beloved, that sacrifices for her wellbeing, that “honors and keeps her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, is faithful to her as long as you both shall live.”  Remember those words.  That is what they meant!

From the woman’s side in the relationship comes an enduring respect, based on the experience of that kind of love!  The man in the marriage is to be the hero to his wife – the Imago Dei – the image of God, the Father, the Provider, the Protector.  If he is these things, then the respect is a natural by-product.

The problem is that we are fallen – we are broken!  And so the image is broken and marred.  But because it is marred is no reason to discard it as we are in danger of today.  Even marred the institution of marriage is the basic building block of our society.

Let’s look for a moment at God’s intentions for marriage:


I’ve heard some say that that they have been happily married for X number of years – out of X+ of marriage!  We laugh because we have all been there, or are there.  Marital bliss is over-promised and under-delivered!  So today, we have stopped promising it for the most part.  Half of all marriages in our nation end in divorce.  In the church, sometimes its even more.  With such a track record, many have simply given up on the institution – given up on the idea of marriage.  Many just decide to live together to see if they can do it – live in harmony with one another, before making the “big” commitment.

This places the proverbial cart before the horse!  You see, the horse in marriage is the commitment to the relationship – that promise to be “faithful till death us do part.”  It is the power behind our coming together, and without it we are in danger of wrecking our lives, especially if we get on a downhill run – the end is usually the wagon ends up toppled and in shambles or going off a cliff.


No one knows me like my wife!  She is my first line of defense, when I am hurting or confused, I ask her help and prayers.  Likewise, she asks me the same.  Assuredly we can go and do go to others for advice, but that is all it is, advice.  From one another we glean the words and emotions we live by – a Word from God on occasion, and together we seek His guidance for our life, our home, our children and our church.

We are partners in this adventure!  No matter how it twists or turns:

Will you love him, 
comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; 
and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you 
both shall live?

Were you serious?  Love, comfort, honor , keep!  Be faithful.  All of these are action words that have definite implications for our behavior along the pathway of our relationship, day after day, month in, month out, year in, and year out.

Marriage is the best picture we have, the best lab that we have, for what Peterson called “a long obedience in the same direction!”

And finally:


Sex has a purpose!  Why do you think that its so much fun?  God created it and purposed it for the creation of the species, the propogation of the races and the population of the planet!  That is its most basic definition.

Today our culture has corrupted it and contorted it into the reason for almost everything, from the kind of car you drive to the kind of toothpaste or mouthwash you use!

But I just want to make one point here this morning about our sexuality.  Ready?

If sexuality is the fire, then marriage is the fireplace. 

The life long commitment of a man and a woman to be together in fidelity to one another for the whole of their lives is the only proper place for the expression of our sexual nature, because of the power that it has and because of the destruction that it can wreck.

Fire is a good thing, in its place at the center of the home, controlled and contained in its proper place.  It is a great thing in fact!  But let the fire out of the fire box and it becomes something else.

It is actually one of the most destructive forces known to man.  And that is probably enough said about FIRE.  Friends, the parallels are striking and frightening – sobering for our future in this culture.

Finally I want to simply add that there is a difference between a long term relationship and one that is purposed and blessed by God.  I have married many, many people who have been together for years, some who had their children first and then came to me seeking a marriage.


As we explored those realities, what I discovered is that God has planted within us both the capability and the unfulfilled need to have such a long-term, committed, covenant relationship.  Just as it is a picture of the love of God for us, and the love of Christ for his Church, it is the fulfillment of a part of our purpose in creation.  Marriage is the vehicle that God ultimately and deftly uses to fashion us into the people He has designed us to be – if we are obedient and faithful to seek him in the midst of our marriage.

When I do weddings, I often tell couples that the reason for the blessing of the marriage is that this is something that Only God can do!  Our best intentions fall short, just like most of our lives.  We all “fall short” of the glory of God, Paul told us.  It is only by His help and intervention in the course of a marriage that we see marriages that last 10 – 25 – 50 or more years.  Many here can testify to that fact.

Marriage is not a magic formula, it is a life-on-life process, through which God forms us into the kind of people we are meant to be – and then through which he uses us, together, to bless the world.  Just as in the original covenant God made with Abraham, we are “blessed to be a blessing” and “in us, all the nations of the earth, will be blessed.”

So let us press into the design of God for our life-long relationships –
Into His IMAGE as Male and Female, together for life and love.


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