Hmmm, seems like this might become a Monday morning thing.
Great worship yesterday with Bishop Greene, our bishop in the Anglican Mission, now "theAM."
He shared a great word on the Revelation of Jesus and its foundational character for the work of God and our partnership in the adventure yesterday.
Schools are all back in session this week, and life seems to be returning to normal after the holidays, whatever that is. Hoping to get a handle on some exersize, or just some walking with the weather a little more tolerable. Holiday food seems to pile up and slow things down.
Reading list for this week:
DEEP CHURCH by Belcher: a middle way ( I like that as an Anglican) between the traditionalist and emerging church movements of evangelicalism. We are reading and discussing this as a part of our Anglican Mission pastors' group. Sure enjoy being a part of a group of men who are searching together for God's will and way, best practices and new ways to do things. It is very stimulating and a real refresher!
DO THE RIGHT THING by Mike Huckabee: Part of my 2010 is going to be a more active stance on the political and policy fronts. I like Gov. Huckabee as he doesn't seem quite as shrill as other TV commentators on FOX. I'm interested in his take and seeing if he can help me put all the political upheaval in a proper context. Hope so.
Glenn Beck's COMMON SENSE: Actually I'm reading the original version in the back first, by Thomas Paine. I think that might be the place to start here, rather than with Beck himself. Thankful for a new tack that Beck is taking currently, working for the recovery of our Christian heritage and the goverenment of We The People. REMEMBER? Faith, Family & Freedom!
Well, probably ought to get on with the reading and walking instead of just typing about it. HUH?
Padre Phil
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