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Pastor at Resurrection Anglican Fellowship in Greenwood Village, CO

Celtic Saints (Part 3)

Celtic Saints (History, Part III) [click for audio]
Cheryl Sedlacek
Jan 19, 2014

Open with time of prayer and Celtic Blessings.

[Sheet of Resources will be included below, most of which have been referenced in the pages to the left.]

St George - Patron Saint of England (He is not Celtic, born in 280 in Syria)  Served under Diocletian
and came in conflict with St. George.  Died horrible death by beheading.  Revered throughout Christendom - fighting the Dragon - (even Islam recognizes St. George - Prayed for for mental illness)
one of the 12 saints prayed for across Christian history for healing.  St. George of Lydda (part of Syria)
Patron Saint of all England - Cathedrals and Chapels throughout England.  He was the model saint of chivalry and a righteous warrior.  Symbol is a red cross on a white background shield.

ST. BRIGIT (451-555)  Ireland
Very popular saint, lots of legends and stories.  Baptized by St. Patrick.
Candlemas (FEB 1) is her feast day.  Taking down Christmas decorations, counting your candles for the rest of the year... light in the midst of darkness.
Special from birth, prophecies.
Brewer of beer, pure liquid in those times.
Defender of homeless, downtrodden, girls who were pregnant out of wedlock

Bishop prayed the blessing of a bishop over her with these words:  "I have no power in this matter,
the dignity of this office has been given by God."

Asked for a piece of land from the monarch (as big as my cloak) - once obtained the ministry began to expand into the area

Famous for cooking and brewing -

Soul-friend was a big part of her ministry --  a peer or equal who is a special friend, to pray, share your struggles, get and give feedback, confess sins and hold accountable, offer penance and ways to alter behavior.  We struggle with the same sins over and over and over - there are some things that are easier NOT to do - besetting sins, willful sins, and sins that "sneak up on us."

ST. COLUMBA (b. 521)  Founder of Iona Community, island off NW coast of Scotland
Founded community on the island.
Student of St. Finnian.
Founded 41 monasteries in as many years!
Moved from Iona to Scotland - took about 100 years to convert Scotland to Christianity.

ST. AIDEN  (of Lindisfarne)  NE Coast of Scotland
633 was sent to Holy Island (Lindesfarne) as a foothold in Scotland and the N. of England
Aiden was the Apostle to the English
Very successful in founding monasteries in Northumbria

Welsh Bishop - 500-589

Calls to be mindful of those small, hidden acts that weave us together as community.  Gratefulness
for value of service

Founded 12 monasteries in Wales

Trained in Ireland and then sent to France as missionary.  65 monasteries in Europe.
Very strict order.

Monasteries were central training centers in the area where they rose up.  People could become members of the community for a time, study and live the life together in community,

Catholic Church build cathedrals and used them to draw people into the worship of God.
All of these saints were "Catholic" as there was no distinction made between a

Severe issues of the Date of Easter and other issues were addressed.

Celtic Christians adopted the Jewish calendar for Easter/Passover (14th day of Nissan)
Catholic hierarchy wanted to adjust so Easter could be on a Sunday, and had a very complicated formula for figuring out when it comes.

King served as a judge to hear the arguments

Tonsure, a monks haircut, where the top of the head is shaved - maybe for setting apart as religious devotion, maybe to look like a halo or a skull cap.

Synod was really about power in the islands.

Apostle to the English - Founder of the English Catholic Church in the Benedictine model
Settled at Canterbury, built a big BIG cathedral.

Not as successful as some of the Celtic bishops and missionaries who preceeded him, but his dates are the ones from which the English Church is dated.

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