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Pastor at Resurrection Anglican Fellowship in Greenwood Village, CO

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Today happens to be one of the few years where my birthday has actually fallen on Mother's Day. It's my double blessing.

I want to begin with greetings to all our ladies at Rez. Just so you know, I want to tell you that mom's are a close second to the ultimate force in the universe! If you don't believe me you deserve The Look! So can all the ladies give us The Look. Right now. Yeah... that one! Get up to the camera and give it your very best! ....
And there you have it...
Ultimate power... almost.

So... Happy Mothers Day. And Blessings from all that your lives have touched and continue to touch.

There are many themes in our scripture readings this morning... verses that jump out:

From Acts...
Paul was referred to as one of the "people who have turned the world upside down..." Would that God would bless US with that designation!

The synagogue in Berea was one that pored over scripture to test and prove what Paul was saying to them. He said later that they were "more noble."

From 1st Peter...
like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house,
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

And from John's Gospel...
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, you will know my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”

Just look at your screen. We look like a wall of stones with faces on them!

God is doing something extraordinary in these days.
He is knitting us together in His Body, even through social distancing, God is at work around the world, preparing the Bride for a wedding day. I want to share 5 movements in this symphony that's happening now:


God has pressed a kind of 'reset button.' He's gotten our attention; he's pulled us out of our routine, out of our busyness. He's stripped away the idols of our culture here in America: noise... speed... entertainment... celebrity worship... sports... distraction. Finances are uncertain for many. We've had to return to God and to the basics.
What's important?
Who's important?
Our gods in America are being shaken, as we were promised in Hab 2, in Amos 9 and Heb 12.
All our reliance on what is not God is being stripped away.


This is a time for us to "consider our ways" (Hab 1)
... for us to bend our knees and bow our heads and hearts in prayer... in repentance that bears fruit... that's not just words on a page, but leads to a REALIGNMENT of values and lifestyles, with the two tracks that we are to roll on: The Truth of God's Word and the presence of the Spirit of God in and among us. Those are the twin tracks this glory train run on. Through repentance we are to realign our hearts, our minds, our lives with His Word and His Spirit. God's seeks those who worship in Spirit and in Truth!


Ancient wells are about to break forth; wells of revival will spring up, both from outside - around us, and inside - the wells of salvation are going to burst forth. These will refresh and strengthen God's people for what's ahead of us. Both suffering and glory are coming. Renewed authority and power for the Church. A renewed voice in our culture and extended grace for the days ahead.


"Pray ye therefore, the Lord of the harvest to send forth workers into His Harvest" Luke 10. God's about to fulfill that prayer!

He's calling us out... into the deep... let down your nets for a catch! 'But we've never done it this way before! "Indeed," He says!!

The GREAT I AM is about to do a work in our day that will make the ears of history tingle! We've been talking about it now for 13 years, since 2007. We simply call it A net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fish! The promised end- times revival is coming. We're used to the prophetic word about "the Wave coming across the land." We've been waiting in anticipation for almost 20 years for fulfillment of that vision. The wave is about to hit the shore! Judgement and revival.
We are to stand, to watch, to pray, and to go!

God is releasing the Church... the Church has left the building! And God's going to release the Catch... the Harvest!

And finally...


We are coming to Season of Joy... unspeakable and full of glory. The Joy of the Lord (Ne 8:10) is our strength!
Let me remind you what God's joy is...
In Luke 15, we are reminded by Jesus how God loves finding lost things! Jesus was sent expressly for that purpose! To seek and to save what was lost (Jn 3:17) There is more JOY IN HEAVEN over one sheep found than over 99 who never strayed!
This is the Joy of the Lord. There is no joy like the joy of introducing someone to Jesus and watching a son or daughter be born anew!

These are the movements we are going to see and hear in the days to come. Open your eyes and ears. Listen for him and look for His direction, we are each part of His Symphony, each an important part as we agree with and partner with all God is doing in our day. Arise, Shine, for your light has come!

May we pray...

Father, it's in the midst of darkness that your light shines brightest. Let us bring and be the light of Your glory into the darkness around us. Give us the hope of eternal life, the light of your countenance, the peace that passes understanding, the joy of finding that which is lost, all gathered together in the "overwhelming, never- ending, reckless love of God!"
For the sake of a your Kingdom we pray and the Fame of your Name, Jesus!
