August 19, 2012
Pentecost XIIFr. Philip Eberhart
Audio Here
When I was in seminary in the early 1980’s it was in vogue to teach that a preacher should preach with the bible in one hand and the “Times” in the other, or whatever local version of the New York Times was at hand, in our case the Denver Post. I didn’t take that advice because I saw many a preacher lean more heavily on the Times than on the bible and I determined that I was not going to be one of those guys.
But every once in a while a circumstance comes along that causes the populace to reflect on God and God’s relative position and importance in our lives. That happened a few weeks ago in Aurora. Last Sunday’s Denver Post contained an article entitled, “Aurora shooting inspires various perspectives on God and belief”, by the Post’s Electa Draper. (click title to see original article).
As I read through the article, I saw some of the “witnesses” of God’s power and presence in the midst of the horror in that theater. We’ve all heard the story of Petra Anderson and her miraculous “defect” that allowed a piece of buckshot to pass through her head without touching her brain! There are other “miracle” stories, and as many questions out there in our culture about the stories that are not miracles!!
The two questions that come up whenever there is a tragedy in life or a storm on the coast, or an earthquake or flood: Is there a God and where is He?
Suffering is a reality in our world – a very harsh and unrelenting reality. We laugh at the insurance commercial that features the guy who calls himself MAYHEM, but its no laughing matter that ‘Mayhem’ exists, and sometimes insurance can’t fix it.
FOUR VIEWS (link to USA Today article)
The Denver Post article was about some of the stories out there about God’s prevention or intervention at the shooting in Aurora. But the article took its cues from research done a couple years ago by a couple sociologists from Baylor Univ and their work entitled, America’s Four Gods. (Link to 4 Gods Website)
Baylor Univ sociologists Paul Froese and Christopher Bader’s research shows that 9 of 10 in America believe in God’s existence in some form, though the agreement pretty much stops there and divides into four or five distinct camps. According to the research we fall into camps that are divided along two intersecting lines.
A vertical line between Distance (theologians call this Transcendence) and Engagement (what theology refers to as Immanence.)
A horizontal line between Judgement (God’s Holiness) and Benevolence (God’s Love).
So we have a construct that looks something like a cross. This construct creates 4 distinct quadrants based on how you score on questions regarding your view of God.
“They divide the world by good and evil and appeal to people who are worried, concerned or scared. They respond to a powerful God guiding this country, and if we don’t explicitly talk about (that) God, then we have the wrong God or no God at all.”
“Their God is a force for good who cares for all people, weeps at all conflicts
and will comfort all.” This God is engaged in our world and loves and supports
us in caring for others.
“There’s no one that can fix things if I mess them up. God’s not telling me what I should do.” Her new book is entitled, God Envy: A Rabbi’s Confession [A Book for People who Don’t believe God can intervene in their lives and why Judaism is still important].
Our view of God will inform where we look for answers and what answers are available to us in times of crisis, both personally and globally. And these views of God are real in our culture, you can check them out at the Starbucks you get coffee at. Also a popular and unifying thread, according to the researchers is that “Americans of every stripe overwhelmingly believe that all good people go to heaven, that many faiths contain truth and that religious diversity is good for the nation.”
Is there a more comprehensive view of God that is available? Where do we find it?
Now I’m back to the reason why I don’t preach from the newspaper very often!
“Come, children, and listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.”
From John:
“My flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who “eat and drink” abide in me, and I in them.None of us has the complete picture, but all of us bring a piece of understanding.
All of us have our experience of God and judgements about other’s experience or claims, but we are left with incomplete pictures, like a puzzle with some of the pieces missing!
There is only one place that gives us a complete picture of God and who He is and the way that He relates to us. And we cannot know Him or experience Him apart from a relationship with this Word.
Last week we quoted from the beginning of John’s gospel and I want to go there again today:
”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”In Him we see the balance of these four “natures” that the Baylor researchers have identified. Transcendence and Immanence; Holiness and Unfailing Love.
To see God’s transcendence, we look at Jesus’ place with the Father before the worlds began and Jesus place in creation, “through him all things were made that were made!”
And “In Him, all things hold together.”
To see God’s immanence, we only need to look at Phil 2 and the self-emptying of Jesus in obedience to his Father, coming to earth as a servant, slave, and sacrifice for salvation.
To see God’s judgement, we only need to look at the cross, and hear the cry of Jesus, “Eli, Eli, Lama Sabathani!” My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? And we hear from his lips, “Father, forgive them, for they know now what they do!” and with his final breath, “IT IS FINISHED!”
To see God’s love, we simply ask, “How much do you love me, LORD?” and we look to Jesus, hanging on the cross, and say, “THIS MUCH!”
Friends, the truth of our God is not found in the extremes ends of an “either/or” proposition, either God is judgmental or God is benevolent, either God is close at hand or God is distant. Even our experiences of one another will lead us to those kinds of conclusions about a person differently at different times and in different circumstances.And he asks us to extend our hands, “ as His Ambassadors of reconciliation!”
We offer the same offer that Jesus offers: The great exchange!! “He who knew no sin became sin for us (for you), so that we (you) can become righteousness in Him.”
John said it this way, “to as many as received Him, he gave the right to become children of God.”
At the end of the day … at the end of our life, its not going to matter how bad, or even how good we were in this life! At the end it a matter of Who you know. The only way into the company of Heaven is through the Door called Jesus Christ. At some point we have got to stop speculating about who God is, and look at Jesus and answer the question that he asked of his disciples…
Dear Jesus, we look to you for our wisdom. We look to you for our knowledge of God. We look to you for our “image” of God and to see what God is like. In you, Lord, dwells all the fullness of the Godhead, bodily! We acknowledge you, Jesus, as Lord of lords and as King of Kings … and we acknowledge you as our King … as MY KING.
Come this day, by your Spirit, into our hearts and minds, and reveal yourself in your fullness to us. As we eat and drink at your Table, open our eyes to see and our ears to hear and our hearts and minds to believe and experience you in your fullness. Come Holy Spirit. Come!
In Jesus Name and for the Sake of His Kingdom,